Download the Taxiplon app to always have a taxi at your door immediately with a few clicks and in a few minutes
Trusted by over 300 businesses and 150 hotels and AirBnbs.
Call us now at 210 2719555 or sent us an e-mail at business@taxiplon.gr

Taxiplon e-Smart Business was launched to offer our corporate customers the simplest and most efficient solution for the planning and management of their transfers. It is a smart, centralized, corporate travel management platform, which provides complete control and autonomy to users.
Through e-Smart Business, Taxiplon partners can plan their trips from a list of predefined routes, add new points of interest and set financial limits per user or department / group.

At Taxiplon we know how to serve our customers fast and efficiently. This is the reason we created taxiplon e-smart Box, a unique service for retailers that guarantees deliveries to customers within 2 hours from the moment we receive the product. The platform can be accessed though any device and offers instant scheduling, appointment bookings, live monitoring of the order and a reporting section. If you own an electronic store, e-smart Box can also be integrated into your checkout.
To request a demo send us an email at business@taxiplon.gr.

Do you own or manage a hotel, Airbnb, rooms to let yacht?
Are your clients repeatedly asking you to help them plan their trips during their stay?
Now Taxiplon offers you the simplest booking tools for your customers’ travels.